Deciding if drug and alcohol rehab is the right place for you can be a tough and life changing decision. The consideration of attending a rehab facility may have crossed your mind due to an incident involving drugs or alcohol. It may also be a decision you feel needs to be made because of a family member or loved one who has brought it up as a solution to your problem. A person who decides to attend rehab on their own merit is usually more successful at the program than someone who is forced to attend a drug and alcohol rehab. A potential patient should already see drugs and alcohol as a problem that needs to be controlled and want a lifestyle change before joining a rehab program.

A patient who starts a drug and alcohol rehab program because they feel pushed into it by friends or family and don’t actually want to change will more than likely not be successful in the program. A potential patient should feel a motivation to succeed in the program and should feel a strong need to be in rehab. According to the Lifestyle Healing Center, a potential attendee should ask him or herself questions such as “What do I want to gain from rehab?” and “Why am I considering rehab in the first place?”

Another issue to examine before entering drug and alcohol rehab is the support system that is in place for the attendee during and after the program. If the potential program attendee does not feel he or she has strong individuals to rely on for emotional support, the foundation for that support system may need to be built before rehab can be successful. A drug and alcohol free support system of friends and family should be ready to help during the rehab process and while the attendee works at a sober life.

Before deciding to attend rehab, an abuser should research facilities and their programs. Some facilities offer both group and individual therapy, a family program or relapse prevention aftercare. According to Recovery Prevention, these are all issues to consider before choosing a drug and alcohol rehab. For a person who requires a lot of group interaction, a program that has a schedule with social group activities and group therapy should be considered. A person who expects to gain stableness and a sense of self understanding may want to consider a program more geared toward private therapy sessions.

Drug and alcohol rehab is an experience that may or may not be the most helpful and correct choice for an individual. Before deciding to attend a rehab program, a person should examine their attitude towards their addiction and figure out what exactly they want to get out of rehab. If it is determined that rehab is the best place for success, the attendee should research what type of facility he or she will feel the most comfortable in to achieve the best results.