Selecting an alcohol addiction rehab center or program will depend upon the inclusion of several factors common with successful treatment programs. These include: an individual assessment and intervention by a professional, behavior modification, medications, continuing support, a bond with the therapist or counselor, patient support groups, and motivation for the patient to recover. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association known as the COMBINE study, found that a treatment consisting of naltrexone, combined behavioral intervention (CBI), or both was the most effective in successfully helping those with alcohol addiction recover. Success in a rehab program is highly subject to the individual's needs, and what may work for one person might not achieve the desired results in another. Nearly 90% of alcoholics will have at least one incidence of relapse within four years of treatment, but this only means that another method of treatment should be tried.
Recovery is the goal of any alcohol addiction rehab program, and the definition of recovery has been agreed upon by participants at the National Summit on Recovery. Recovery from alcohol and drug problems is a process of change through which an individual achieves abstinence and improved health, wellness and quality of life." The many aspects of alcohol addiction need to be addressed in order for an alcohol addiction rehab program to be successful. Both the body and mind are effected by alcohol. Early treatment can prevent future problems associated with alcohol abuse such as alcohol induced liver disease and fetal alcohol syndrome or birth defects. Besides preventing health problems, entering an alcohol addiction rehab program as soon as possible will make the road to recovery easier since the psychological aspects become more deeply entrenched over time.
Physical and mental recovery are possible, but only through effective treatment which results in an abstinence from alcohol. The longer one abstains from alcohol, the more likely recovery is attainable, but those with an addiction to alcohol must be aware that there is no cure for alcoholism, only a long term, sustained state of recovery. This should not discourage sufferers from seeking treatment, the benefits to ones social life, physical health, and mental well-being will be well worth the time and effort put into an alcohol addiction rehab program.